New technologies offer new possibilities: More about docbox 4.0 »
So that the doctors have more time for their patients again
So that your patient is once again the center of attention.

We support you too!
"If you are a doctor who regularly receives pharmaceutical companies in the practice and no longer wants the hassle of organising appointments, this tool is the best choice."

"For more than 3 years, docbox's doctor visitor platform has helped me to reduce my administrative work in the practice. I am happy that I can use the time I have gained for my patients."

"Visionary helps us as a reliable partner to digitise and automate the administrative processes in the clinics in an efficiency-enhancing way with docbox, especially in the area of patient registration."

"As a long-time Docbox user, I really like the new Light version. In the future, there will be no need to block out appointments for weeks in the agenda when requesting appointments. This makes the scheduling workflow a lot more efficient."

Popular products
With docbox, we network the practicing physician with other service providers in the health care system and with the patient. Today, over 13,000 doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, life science companies and other service providers are docbox users.
No more calls to the practice and specific appointments with pharmaceutical representatives
The largest network for doctors in Switzerland
12'500 doctors use docbox - permanently and free of charge!
- Electronic data exchange
- Emergency Shift Planning
- Communication with pharmaceutical companies
- Hospital-Communication
- Exchange among colleagues
- Exclusive service offers
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Das grösste Netzwerk für Ärzte in der Schweiz
Über 13'000 Ärzte nutzen docbox - dauerhaft und kostenlos!
- Elektronischer Datenaustausch
- Notfalldienst-Organisation
- Kommunikation mit Pharmafirmen
- Spital-Kommunikation
- Austausch unter Kollegen
- Exklusive Service-Angebote
Jetzt registrieren!
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Largest eHealth platform
in Switzerland
Live Science Companies
Medical Call Center
Emergency service circles
Just integrate docbox. For example, in your practice and hospital software