Emergency Shift Planning
The smart emergency shift planning for Switzerland

Emergency Shift Planning
The smart emergency shift planning for Switzerland
With docbox, emergency service organization runs efficiently, fairly and with less discussion. Networking the participants with the medical call center is easy thanks to interfaces. Over 100 emergency service organisations in Switzerland already trust docbox. Among doctors, docbox is popular because services can be fairly distributed and easily exchanged.

Emergency Shift Planning
The smart emergency shift planning for Switzerland
With docbox, emergency service organization runs efficiently, fairly and with less discussion. Networking the participants with the medical call center is easy thanks to interfaces. Over 100 emergency service organisations in Switzerland already trust docbox. Among doctors, docbox is popular because services can be fairly distributed and easily exchanged.
Planning the emergency service shift on screen
With the docbox emergency shift organisation, planning, organisation, implementation and data networking up to the call centre is ensured. This ensures that help is available for patients in every emergency ward and in every emergency practice. Also outside the regular practice hours. It also eliminates a lot of paperwork in the planning process, making it simpler and more transparent.
The emergency shift cockpit for the doctor
Shift plan statistics provide ongoing information on services rendered. The docbox emergency shift cockpit app is used by thousands of doctors. Planners also appreciate the workflow support and the many setting options, so that the wishes of all participants can be taken into account as optimally as possible. The call center trusts that when a call comes in, the right doctor can quickly be connected to the patient. This brings security and cost efficiency.

The patient app doccall
The doccall app reduces the entire complexity of the Swiss outpatient medical emergency service to exactly two buttons: One for the emergency service at your current location and one for the emergency service at your place of residence! Patients are connected – depending on the region – with the responsible call center or directly with the doctor providing emergency service! With the patient’s consent, all master data can be transferred directly via the app. The doctor can immediately focus on the medical problem.
App connects users with emergency medical services
SRF – The new free app “doccall” connects users throughout Switzerland with local outpatient medical emergency services. Fortunately, because there are more than 100 different phone numbers for regional emergency services. It is complicated for patients to find the right number for a particular location. This is why people are happy to call 144 or go to the nearest hospital even in minor cases. The app solves this problem.
A network of strong partners
The docbox emergency planning service and the doccall service has been supported for years by leading Swiss medical emergency service organisations and call centres.