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Solutions Partner

Connect your favorite tools to docbox

Hospital integrations

The following providers enable deep integration of docbox for processing structured data.

the i-engineers have been dedicated to software development in the solution areas of enterprise content management (ECM), workflow and process management for 29 years.

Leading Swiss integration expert since 1998. Mature experience in the healthcare sector thanks to a broad range of solutions. Leading in eHealth Switzerland (EPD and B2B). Strategic Partner Open Source Platform WSO2.

Integrations medical practice

The following providers have an integration of docbox into the practice software.


The future-oriented and integrated practice software for successful doctors.


With curaMED your daily practice administration becomes child’s play.


Thanks to “ePaad”, doctors and MPAs will be able to concentrate fully on their core business in future.


The practical IT solution for general practitioners, specialists or affiliated doctors. From service billing to digital practice .

Health Info Net

Standard for secure communication and trustworthy handling of sensitive data.


Work faster and more efficiently. Elexis is the flexible OpenSource practice software of the future.


E-PAT is a web-based all-in-one practice software that uses the latest web technologies to propel your practice into the modern age.

MediWin CB

Modular practice software with numerous possibilities for individualization.


The medical information system for medical practices, medical centers and medical practice chains.


The physician software for every specialty. Reduce all administrative work to the absolute minimum.


As physicians and computer scientists, we founded Logival to provide a global IT solution for medical practices and group practices.

Advanced Concepts

Our information systems are the optimum between economically reasonable and technologically feasible solutions.


Proven Achilles practice software locally or in the cloud for a smooth day-to-day practice.


Individual practice, group practice or corporation, AESKULAP is the right choice in any case.

Health Info Net

The latest web app to revolutionize medical practice management. Developed by medical and IT experts.


Developed by doctors for doctors, especially for Apple. As a fast, stable and innovative practice software, offers everything you need for the efficient organisation of your practice.