The most important factor for an optimal utilization of your hospital are the referring physicians. They decide on more than 70 percent of the patient flow. This accounts for a significant portion of your organization’s economic success.

Consider referring doctors as your customers and take care of them with an effective referral management. With docbox, you will achieve success within a very short time: In the future, the referring doctor will register the patient with you directly from his practice software. You receive the registration in real time and can process it automatically. This saves time, money and increases the quality of treatment and service.
With docbox, it is child’s play to win over referring physicians in the competition for patients. Here is an example: After only six months, Klinik Hirslanden Zurich succeeded in receiving over 60 percent of all inpatient registrations digitally via docbox. The patient administration has less work, the referring physicians are pleased about the gain in comfort.
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